Customer FAQs
Can I make an offer on a product?
When enquiring you are more than welcome to make an offer on the product. There is no guarantee that the dealer will accept your offer.
Can I request to put an item on hold?
Whether you can put an item on hold or not is specific to the dealer. Click on the enquire button next to the product and fill in the message, requesting to reserve the item.
How do I contact a dealer?
You can message/email a dealer via a product page or the dealer’s storefront. You will also find their full contact details (including phone numbers) on these pages too, enabling you to communicate directly with any of the dealers without having to go through the Shop Decorative Fair office.
Can I transact through the website?
Shop Decorative Fair is a non-transactional platform. We do not take a commission on sales and we don’t stand between a buyer and a seller. This means you can enquire directly with a dealer as well as transact directly with them.
How are products vetted?
In order to maintain standards and protect the reputation of the Decorative Fair, we expect the same level of standards on the website as at the Decorative Fair. The general dateline in 1979. Each listing includes a clear, accurate description, country of origin, approx. date, provenance, and details of any additions or restoration. If items do not meet the criteria, we will ask for them to be removed to maintain the standards and trust of the website.
What are shipping methods and costs?
Shipping of products needs to be arranged between you and the Dealer you purchased from. The specifications will vary from dealer to dealer, so please get in touch with them for information.
Can you recommend a shipping service?
Simon Hall Limited provides shipping services for purchases made at The Decorative Fair, Battersea, and they will be pleased to assist you. You can contact Simon Hall for national or worldwide shipping and wrapping and packing information at:
Email –
Tel. 01386 858555
Is VAT applied to my order?
Whether VAT is applied or not depends on the VAT status of the individual dealer. This should be clarified with the dealer at the time of purchase.
Can I save an item I am interested in?
Once you have clicked onto a product there is a heart button. This will save the item to your wish list, which is located at the top right hand corner of the website.